Pirform 2025.2 Maintenance Release
We are pleased to announce the release of Pirform 2025.2. This is a maintenance release, bringing a small number of new features along with some maintenance fixes.
Your copy of Pirform should automaticaly detect this update. You can also visit our download page here or download the latest version directly by clicking here.
Three-phase Improvements
The 2024 EICR now reports on the number of three-phase and single-phase circuits.
Merged circuits are automatically marked as three-phase. This now happens when you open existing certificates.
Note that you need to mark circuits as three-phase:
More Accurate Cable-Sizing Intelligence
Marking the circuit as three-phase gives more accurate cable-sizing intelligence.
Easier Additional Details Switching In Minor Works Certificates
You can now switch the additional details on or off directly from the MW certificate.
We have fixed a defect preventing the relevant PDF items for the additional sections from showing.
Easier Company Details Updates
To make changes easier, you can now edit the company name, address, and other details directly in Certificate Options.
Auto-Repair Updates
Pirform was launched nearly 15 years ago, when the Periodic Inspection Report was the order of the day. You can still work with your older certificates, import them from other engineers, and create new up-to-date versions to save entering information over again.
Under the hood, Pirform checks and repairs certificates to keep things running smoothly. This release improves that process by:
- Fixing more defects, including addressing the cause of a long-standing problem that was difficult to track down.
- Observations are renumbered if required.
- Intelligence observations with missing locations are updated.
- Intelligence is removed from the merged circuits (that is, only applies to the single visible circuit).
- Reducing the size of the certificate files.
- Fixing a problem where the automatic repairs were not always completing, requiring a second run.
Other Changes and Fixes
Other changes and fixes available in this version include:
- Fix: was not copying circuit values to blanks in yes/no columns.
- Fix: board supply was not updating immediately after making changes.
- Fix: observation location control was not correctly sized.
- Fix: better column sizing in wizards.