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Shine Forms Blog

Pirform 2024.1

Our new release, Pirform 2024.1, is now available. This update introduces new features and addresses several issues. Here are the highlights:

  • "Other" wiring types are reported on the PDF.
  • Improved handling of max Zs values.
  • Upload an EICR 2022 to your Shine Forms account.
  • Usability improvements.
  • An updated Support Tool.

Update 31st May, 2024: A maintenance update for 2024.1, was released. Details here.

Pirform 2023.1 - Custom Inspection Schedules

Our new release, Pirform 2023.1, brings new functionality and also a number of snag fixes and tweaks following the major technical update in Pirform 2022.2. Highlights of this release include:

  • Sharing of custom inspection schedules with other engineers.
  • Marking a circuit as a spare clears the values.
  • Copying circuit values down stops at the next value.
  • Copied circuit values can be pasted into existing circuits.
  • Spare circuits are ignored when pasting values.
  • There is a button to recalculate max Zs values.

Pirform 2022.2 - BS 7671+A2:2022

Pirform 2022.2 is a major release of Pirform and brings some significant changes. The highlights are:

  • BS 7671+A2:2022 (the "brown book") electrical forms.
  • EICR inspection schedules can be fully customised.
  • Significant under-the-hood changes with faster, smaller backups.
  • A new database upgrade process happens on the first run of Pirform 2022.2.

Pirform 2022.2 Pre-Release


This post talks about a pre-release version of Pirform and focuses on technical changes to the software.

Pirform 2022.2 is a major release of Pirform and brings some significant changes. The highlights are:

  • BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 (the "brown book") electrical forms.
  • EICR inspection schedules can be fully customised.
  • Significant under-the-hood changes.

Security Advisory: Log4J Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)

A serious and significant security threat has recently been discovered in a very commonly used software component called Log4J.

The good news for Shine Forms and Pirform users is that we have reviewed all of our products, both desktop and web-based, and determined that none are affected by this security issue.